
Best Computer Graphics/Visualization Main Track Papers Awards

Regularized Kelvinlet Inversion for Real-Time Image Deformation and Video Time Warping
Guilherme G. Haetinger and Eduardo S. L. Gastal (Universidade Federal do RS)

Mirante: A visualization tool for analyzing urban crimes
Germain Garcia-Zanabria, Erick Gomez-Nieto, Jaqueline Silveira, Jorge Poco, Marcelo Nery, Sérgio Adorno, Luis G. Nonato (Universidade de São Paulo and Fundação Getúlio Vargas)

Screen-space VPL propagation for real-time indirect lighting
Vítor M. Aranha, Márcio C. F. Macedo, Antonio L. Apolinário Jr (Universidade Federal da Bahia)

Best Computer Vision/Image Processing/Pattern Recognition Main Track Papers Awards

Online frame-to-model pipeline to 3D reconstruction with depth cameras using RGB-D
Thiago de Azevedo Dornelles; Claudio R Jung (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

A Study on the Impact of Domain Randomization for Monocular Deep 6DoF Pose Estimation
Kelvin Cunha; Caio Brito; Lucas Albuquerque; Francisco Simões; Veronica Teichrieb (UFPE and Instituto Federal de Pernambuco)

Flor-HTR: A Deep Learning System for Offline Handwritten Text Recognition
Arthur Souza Neto; Byron Bezerra; Alejandro Toselli; Estanislau Lima (Universidade de Pernambuco e Universitat Politècnica de València)

Best M.Sc. Dissertations Awards in the Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD)

Broad Phase Collision Detection: New Methodology and Solution for Standardized Analysis of Algorithms
Ygor Rebouças Serpa, Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues (Universidade de Fortaleza – UNIFOR)

Improving Skin Lesion Analysis with Generative Adversarial Networks
Alceu Bissoto and Sandra Avila (University of Campinas – Unicamp)

Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in the Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD)

Going Deep into Remote Sensing Spatial Feature Learning
Keiller Nogueira, William R Schwartz and Jefersson A dos Santos (Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG)

Honorable Mention Award in the Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD) Ph.D. Thesis category

Dense 3D Indoor Scene Reconstruction from Spherical Images
Thiago L. T da Silveira and Claudio R. Jung (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS)

Best Work Award in the Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW)

Adaptação de Domínio usando Camadas de Alinhamento de Domínio com Várias Fontes
Lucas Fernando Alvarenga e Silva, Jurandy Almeida (Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP)

Best Work Award in the Workshop of Works in Progress (WiP)

BID Dataset: A Challenge Dataset for Document Processing Tasks
Álysson de Sá Soares, Ricardo Batista das Neves Junior e Byron Bezerra (Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco, Universidade de Pernambuco)

Best Work Award in the Workshop of Industry Applications (WIA)

An Automatic Contrast Validation Approach for Smartphone Themes
Aasim Khurshid, Adriano Gil, Felipe Augusto Souza Guimarães, Mikhail Gadelha, Everlandio Fernandes (SIDIA Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia)

©2020 by SIBGRAPI
Sponsored by the Brazilian Computer Society

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